Aug 3, 2020 - Jared Smith from the Tempe Historical Museum told us about the museum and a lot of Tempe history. You can see his presentation by clicking HERE.  .
Jared began his studies at University of Arizona and finished at ASU in 1989. He began as an archeologist, moved into history and then became a historical archeologist, first in Mesa and then in Tempe. He told us how veterans from both sides of the civil war settled in Tempe. An interesting tidbit is that Waylan Jennings began his career at JD's in Tempe. He said that many people in the "wild west" moved around and new each other. He recommended visiting the Museum website which has several major categories to see. He explained the boundaries of Tempe and how they originated. His presentation can be seen by clicking HERE.  The question and answer session can be seen by clicking HERE