March 29, 2021- Jeff Pritchard, Chairman of Malaria Partners International, gave us a great overview of this organization and where it's going.  You can see his presentation by clicking HERE. For more details go to "Read More"
The program is about Malaria Partners International (formerly Rotarian Malaria Partners) and RI's 1st "Programs of Scale" $2,000,000 award to Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia, a malaria elimination program.  This program is Malaria Partners International's largest project.  Jeff Pritchard, Chairman of Malaria Partners International, discussed this work and award at our Monday meeting .  RI's grant of $2 million joins additional grants of $2 million each by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision International.
KRC was the first Arizona Rotary club to contribute to our malaria elimination projects.  This Programs of Scale Award is a huge step toward making malaria elimination the next worldwide Rotary disease-fighting and life-saving initiative. Malaria kills 400,000 to 500,00 people annually, especially children under 5 and women.